Vitamin D deficiency is associated with poor muscle function in adults aged 60+

New research shows that vitamin D deficiency is an important determinant of poor skeletal muscle function in adults aged 60 years and over. While resistance exercise is known to preserve muscle function, there is growing evidence that adequate vitamin D status may also be protective.

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Vitamin C therapy linked to better survival rates after sepsis

New research suggests that patients with sepsis and septic lung injury could have a better chance of survival and recover more quickly when treated with vitamin C infusions. On average, the vitamin C group spent three fewer days in the ICU at day 28 and a week less in the hospital overall by day 60 than the placebo group.

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Test for life-threatening nutrient deficit is made from bacteria entrails

A pocket-sized zinc deficiency test could be taken to remote regions where masses are malnourished – no complex transport or preservation necessary. It could be evaluated on the spot, and this initial test could be expanded into more comprehensive micronutrient fieldtests.

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Missing electrons reveal the true face of a new copper-based catalyst

New research has resulted in a reactive copper-nitrene catalyst that pries apart carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bonds and transforms them into carbon-nitrogen (C-N) bonds, which are a crucial building block for chemical synthesis, especially in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

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Vitamin D and fish oil show promise in prevention of cancer death and heart attacks

The VITamin D and OmegA-3 Trial (VITAL) is the largest and most recent to test whether vitamin D or fish oil can effectively prevent cancer or cardiovascular disease. Results to date have been mixed but show promise for some outcomes, now confirmed by updated pooled (meta) analyses.

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