Candidate Ebola vaccine still effective when highly diluted, macaque study finds

A single dose of a highly diluted VSV-Ebola virus (EBOV) vaccine — approximately one-millionth of what is in the vaccine being used to help control the ongoing Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo — remains fully protective against disease in experimentally infected monkeys, according to scientists. The investigators completed the dosage study using cynomolgus macaques and an updated vaccine component to match the EBOV Makona strain that circulated in West Africa from 2014-16.

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New human reference genome resources help capture global genetic diversity

Scientists have assembled a set of genetic sequences that enable the reference genome to better reflect global genetic diversity. The new sequences improve the utility of the human reference genome, a touchstone resource for modern genetics and genomics research.

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In Baltimore, lower income neighborhoods have bigger mosquitoes

Low-income urban neighborhoods not only have more mosquitoes, but they are larger-bodied, indicating that they could be more efficient at transmitting diseases. So reports investigating how socioeconomics influences mosquito-borne disease risk in Baltimore, Maryland.

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Novel virus type may shed light on viral evolution

Viruses are non-living creatures, consisting of genetic material encased in a protein coat. Once the virus infects a living organism, it can replicate itself and continue on. But what happens if a virus lacks the proper tools to infect an organism? How can it propagate? Researchers have uncovered a novel virus that may help answer those questions.

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Sequencing African genomes yields new data resource with broad applicability

By collaborating globally in a new, large-scale effort, researchers have made strong progress in sequencing genomes from regions and countries across Africa. These findings will enable more broadly representative and relevant studies ranging from basic through clinical genetics.

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