Paclitaxel-coated devices are safe for unblocking arteries in lower limbs, study suggests

A study of nearly 65,000 people suggests that devices coated with a drug called paclitaxel that are used for widening blocked arteries in legs and feet are safe and not linked to an increase in deaths — a finding that contradicts smaller studies that led to the FDA issuing a safety alert about the use of paclitaxel-coated stents and balloons for arterial revascularization in the lower limbs in January 2019.

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The effectiveness of electrical stimulation in producing spinal fusion

Researchers performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of published data on the effect of electrical stimulation therapies on spinal fusion. They found significant improvement overall in the rates of bone fusion following a course of electrical stimulation in both preclinical (animal) and clinical (human) studies.

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Regular exercise is good for your heart, no matter how old you are!

Regular exercise is highly beneficial for all patients with cardiovascular disease regardless of age, report investigators. Their results showed that the patients who benefited most from cardiac rehabilitation were those who started out with the greatest physical impairment.

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Scientists discover new antibiotic in tropical forest

Scientists have discovered an antibiotic produced by a soil bacterium from a Mexican tropical forest that may help lead to a 'plant probiotic,' more robust plants and other antibiotics. Probiotics, which provide friendlier bacteria and health benefits for humans, can also be beneficial to plants, keeping them healthy and more robust. The new antibiotic, known as phazolicin, prevents harmful bacteria from getting into the root systems of bean plants.

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New test for thyroid cancer could prevent unnecessary surgery

Each year, thanks to inconclusive tests for thyroid cancer, thousands of people undergo unnecessary surgeries to remove part or all of their thyroids. A new test based on the unique chemical fingerprints of thyroid cancer might change that. It's faster and about two-thirds more accurate than the diagnostic tests doctors use today.

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Treating pulmonary embolism: How safe and effective are new devices?

A new scientific statement identifies the risks and benefits of novel interventional devices compared to anticoagulation alone in the treatment of patients with pulmonary embolism. Authors conclude there is little data — particularly, as it pertains to the treatment of patients with 'intermediate-risk PE' — that suggests these interventional approaches are more safe and effective than the use of anticoagulation alone.

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