Americans would rather drive themselves than have an autonomous vehicle drive them

Are you willing to ride in a driverless car? Researchers studied how Americans' perceived cost of commute time changes depending on who's driving.

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Are existing laws enough to cope with accelerating environmental change?

Do you think that major statutory reform is necessary address global environmental challenges? Think again. New research by a group of environmental law scholars explores the untapped capacity of existing environmental and natural resources management statutes to address accelerating environmental change in the absence of major legislative reform.

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Carp aquaculture in Neolithic China dating back 8,000 years

Researchers analyzed fish bones excavated from the Early Neolithic Jiahu site in Henan Province, China. By comparing the body-length distributions and species-composition ratios of the bones with findings from East Asian sites with present aquaculture, the researchers provide evidence of managed carp aquaculture at Jiahu dating back to 6200-5700 BC.

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