Special cells contribute to regenerate the heart in Zebrafish

It is already known that zebrafish can flexibly regenerate their hearts after injury. An international research group now shows that certain heart muscle cells play a central role in this process. The insights gained could be used to initiate a similar repair process in the human heart.

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A marine pathogenic bacterium forms specialized cells for dissemination

Vibrio parahaemolyticus can be found in the tidal zones in estuarine areas. The marine bacterium causes acute gastroenteritis in humans and is the leading cause for seafood borne illnesses in the world. Researchers have now identified specialized "adventurer" cells that ensure the bacterium's dissemination and prevalence. Their new findings are an important basis for the future management of the disease.

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Embryonic development: Earlier origin of neural crest cells

Neural crest cells have been thought to originate in the ectoderm, the outermost of the three germ layers formed in the earliest stages of embryonic development. But their capacity to form derivatives like bone and tooth-forming cells defies fundamental concepts in developmental and stem cell biology. A research team has found a solution to this mystery by demonstrating an earlier origin of the neural crest in chick embryos.

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Metformin offers no strength training benefits for seniors, study shows

A clinical trial argues against the hypothesis that the diabetes drug metformin could help exercising seniors gain more muscle mass. The double-blind trial found that older adults who took metformin while performing rigorous resistance exercise training had smaller gains in muscle mass than the placebo group.

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