Researchers find college football players' weight gain leads to heart problems

Weight gain and high blood pressure in college football players leads to adverse changes in cardiac structure and function, indicating monitoring and early intervention is needed for this young and otherwise healthy athletic population, according to a new study.

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No link found between youth contact sports and cognitive, mental health problems

Adolescents who play contact sports, including football, are no more likely to experience cognitive impairment, depression or suicidal thoughts in early adulthood than their peers, suggests a new study of nearly 11,000 youth followed for 14 years.

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Why some US football players have higher cardiovascular risk

Research has shown that while elite athletes overall are at decreased risk of death from cardiovascular problems, a certain group of athletes — football linemen in the United States — actually have higher risk than the general population than other elite athletes.

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In a first, scientists pinpoint neural activity's role in human longevity

Researchers discover that the activity of the nervous system might influence human longevity. Neural excitation linked to shorter life, while suppression of overactivity appears to extend life span. Protein REST, previously shown to protect aging brains from dementia and other diseases, emerges as a key player in molecular cascade related to aging. Findings suggest future avenues for intervention in diseases ranging from Alzheimer's to bipolar disorder.

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CTE risk, severity increases with years playing American football

The risk and severity of developing chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) increases with the number of years playing American football according to a new study. These findings reaffirm the relationship between playing tackle football and CTE, and for the first time quantify the strength of that relationship.

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Fragmented physical activity linked to greater mortality risk

Although reduced physical activity during the day is widely seen as a harbinger of mortality in older people, fragmentation of physical activity — spreading daily activity across more episodes of brief activity — may be an earlier indicator of mortality risk than total amount of daily activity, according to a new study.

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