Virtual walking system for re-experiencing the journey of another person

Virtual-reality researchers have developed a virtual-walking system that records a person's walking and re-plays it with vision and foot vibrations. Psychological experiments showed that the sensation of walking and telepresence from the oscillating visual flow combined with foot vibrations is stronger than without vibrations. The system can reconstruct the experience of walking to people who are a distance away, or who have a disability that may impair walking in the future.

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Virtual reality may help foster learning and collaboration across health professions

One of the biggest challenges to implementing interprofessional education for health professions students is scheduling. Could virtual reality education help? A small new study focused on palliative care, says yes.

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Is this brain cell your 'mind's eye'?

No-one knows what connects awareness — the state of consciousness — with its contents, i.e. thoughts and experiences. Now researchers propose an elegant solution: a literal, structural connection via 'L5p neurons'. The group offers evidence – and caveats. Their challenge to experimentalists: if consciousness requires L5p neurons, all brain activity without them must be unconscious.

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Supportive relationships in childhood leads to longer lives

Individuals raised in families with higher socioeconomic status were more optimistic in midlife, and in turn, lived longer. Those who experienced more psychosocial stressors, such as parental death, frequent moves and harsh discipline, tended to encounter more stressful life events in midlife, and had greater risk of dying early.

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