Handheld device to diagnose skin cancer

Using shortwave rays installed in cellphones and airport security scanners, researchers have developed a technique that detects skin lesions and determines whether they are cancerous or benign — a technology that could ultimately be incorporated into a handheld device that could rapidly diagnose skin cancer without a scalpel in sight.

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Gene editing enables researchers to correct mutation in muscle stem cells in DMD model

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a rare but devastating genetic disorder that causes muscle loss and physical impairments. Researchers have shown in a mouse study that the powerful gene editing technique known as CRISPR may provide the means for lifelong correction of the genetic mutation responsible for the disorder.

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Subgroup of colorectal cancer patients ID'd: Do poorly, could benefit from immunotherapy

While the medical community agrees immune cells inside a tumor leads to improved health outcome, for a subset of colorectal cancer patients, having too much of a good thing is a strong predictor of disease recurrence and reduced chances of survival. Scientists identify patients who could benefit from immunotherapy. This is the first report of immune infiltrated tumors with poor health outcomes and is counter to the standard belief in the field.

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