Embryonic development: Earlier origin of neural crest cells

Neural crest cells have been thought to originate in the ectoderm, the outermost of the three germ layers formed in the earliest stages of embryonic development. But their capacity to form derivatives like bone and tooth-forming cells defies fundamental concepts in developmental and stem cell biology. A research team has found a solution to this mystery by demonstrating an earlier origin of the neural crest in chick embryos.

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Breaking the stroma barrier: Study shows a new way to hit cancer with radiation

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are commonly used to treat cancer, but are not always effective and can have toxic side effects. Researchers tested a new radiotherapy technique that sends alpha-emitting particles to stroma cells in pancreatic tumors. The method slowed tumor growth in mice with minimal side effects, pointing to a new potential treatment option in the future for patients with pancreatic cancer.

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