Solar monitoring systems exposed: Secure your devices

Categories: Business

Tags: solar

Tags: monitoring

Tags: service

Tags: exposed

Tags: web

Tags: facing

Tags: secure

Tags: scan

Tags: lockdown

Tags: update

We take a look at reports that 130,000 solar monitoring devices are sitting exposed online.

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Baby monitor safety: What you need to know

Categories: Personal

Tags: baby

Tags: monitor

Tags: wi-fi

Tags: wireless

Tags: cam

Tags: webcam

Tags: camera

Tags: DECT

Tags: FHSS

Tags: cloud

Tags: storage

Tags: secure

Tags: safety

Tags: password

We take a look at some of the options available for your baby’s monitor setup. Is Wi-Fi or something else the best fit for you and your family?

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The post Baby monitor safety: What you need to know appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

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How to work from home securely, the NSA way

Categories: News

Tags: network

Tags: home

Tags: secure

Tags: router

Tags: NSA

Tags: social engineering

Tags: social network

Tags: email

Tags: update

Tags: hotspot

The NSA has some advice about keeping remote workers safe from harm.

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The post How to work from home securely, the NSA way appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

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Bring your own privacy: VPNs for consumers and orgs

Credit to Author: Malwarebytes Labs| Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2020 17:24:33 +0000

VPNs are all the rage, but they’re not without their problems. Where do you stand on the great “Should we deploy a VPN” debate?



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The post Bring your own privacy: VPNs for consumers and orgs appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

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