How preprocessing methods affect the conversion efficiency of biomass energy production

Research on energy production from biomass usually focuses on the amount of energy generated. But it is also important to consider how much energy goes into the process, a component that is often neglected. A study from the University of Illinois takes a look at the bioconversion efficiency of two products often used as biomass for energy production, miscanthus giganteus and sugarcane bagasse.

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Single-particle spectroscopy of CsPbBr3 perovskite reveals the origin low electrolumine

Researchers have used the method of single-particle spectroscopy to study electroluminescence in light-emitting devices. They discovered that efficient charge funneling between individual perovskite nanocrystals and the phenomenon of emission blinking are responsible for the low efficiencies of perovskite light-emitting devices.

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Electrode-fitted microscope points to better designed devices that make fuel from sunlight

Using an atomic-force microscope fitted with an electrode tip 1,000 times smaller than a human hair, researchers have identified in real time how nanoscale catalysts collect charges that are excited by light in semiconductors. It's a discovery that could help efforts to design devices that can store solar power for later use.

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A new concept could make more environmentally friendly batteries possible

A new concept for an aluminium battery has twice the energy density as previous versions, is made of abundant materials, and could lead to reduced production costs and environmental impact. The idea has potential for large scale applications, including storage of solar and wind energy.

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Model helps choose wind farm locations, predicts output

The wind is always blowing somewhere, but deciding where to locate a wind farm is a bit more complicated than holding up a wet finger. Now a team of researchers has a model that can locate the best place for the wind farm and even help with 24-hour predictions of energy output.

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New standard of reference for assessing solar forecast proposed

Being able to accurately forecast how much solar energy reaches the surface of the Earth is key to guiding decisions for running solar power plants and new work looks to provide a standard of reference to the field. A researcher proposes an improved way to assess day-ahead solar forecasting, which combines two popular reference methods for weather forecasting, namely persistence and climatology. His approach provides a new way to gauge the skill of a forecaster.

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