Three faces of teen popularity: Being feared, being loved, and being feared and loved

In novel longitudinal study, researchers identified three distinct types of teen popularity: prosocial popular; aggressive popular; and bistrategic popular or Machiavellian. These naughty and nice Machiavellian-like teens were the most popular and were above average on physical and relational aggression as well as prosocial behavior. Just like the 'Mean Girls' in the iconic American teen comedy, they are aggressive when needed and then quickly 'make nice' to smooth out any ruffled feathers.

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Social isolation derails brain development in mice

Female mice housed alone during adolescence show atypical development of the prefrontal cortex and resort to habitual behavior in adulthood, according to new research. These findings show how social isolation could lead to an over-reliance on habit-like behaviors that are associated with addiction and obesity.

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How happy couples argue: Focus on solvable issues first

In marriage, conflict is inevitable. Even the happiest couples argue. And research shows they tend to argue about the same topics as unhappy couples: children, money, in-laws, intimacy. So, what distinguishes happy couples? According to a new study, it is the way happy couples argue that may make a difference.

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New microscopes unravel the mysteries of brain organization

The secret of capturing exquisite brain images with a new generation of custom-built microscopes has been revealed. The new microscopes, known as mesoSPIMs, can image the minute detail of brain tissue down to individual neurons that are five times thinner than a human hair, and can uncover the 3D anatomy of entire small organs, faster than ever before.

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Anesthetic drug sevoflurane improves sepsis outcomes, animal study reveals

Patients with sepsis often require surgery or imaging procedures under general anesthesia, yet there is no standard regimen for anesthetizing septic patients. Of volatile (inhaled) anesthetics, sevoflurane and isoflurane are the most commonly used drugs, despite their undetermined mechanisms of action. A novel study suggests that the type of drug used in general anesthesia could be critical to the survival of patients with sepsis.

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