Young moms more likely to have kids with ADHD

Young mothers have a greater chance of having a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) according to new research. Exploring the genetic relationship between female reproductive traits and key psychiatric disorders, it found that the genetic risk of ADHD in children was strongly associated with early maternal age at first birth, particular for women younger than 20.

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Escapism: A powerful predictor of internet gaming disorder among video gamers

A new study is the first to compare professional electronic sport (esport) players with recreational video game players and explores the similarities and differences between what motivates each group. While the two groups are psychosocially different, they found that both esport and recreational gamers run the risk of developing internet gaming disorder when their intense immersion in the activity is tied to escapism.

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Unique brain cells linked to OCD and anxiety

Scientists have discovered a new lineage of specialized brain cells, called Hoxb8-lineage microglia, and established a link between the lineage and OCD and anxiety in mice. Their experiments proved that Hoxb8-lineage microglia prevent mice from displaying OCD behaviors. Additionally, they found that female sex hormones caused more severe OCD behaviors and induced added anxiety in the mice.

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New insights into biological underpinnings of schizophrenia

Researchers have implicated 10 new genes in the development of schizophrenia using a method called whole exome sequencing, the analysis of the portion of DNA that codes for proteins. A global consortium of schizophrenia research teams incorporated genetic data from over 125,000 people to gain deeper insights into the genetic underpinnings of schizophrenia.

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PTSD nearly doubles infection risk

A new study is the first to examine the relationship between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and dozens of infection types in a nationwide cohort. Researchers found that PTSD affects infection risks for men and women differently, having, for example, more of an effect on a woman's risk of urinary tract infection and a man's risk of skin infection.

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Repeated febrile convulsions linked to epilepsy and psychiatric disorders

The risk of febrile convulsions increases with the child's fever, and children who suffer from repeated febrile convulsions during their first year of life have an increased risk of developing epilepsy and psychiatric disorders later in life. This is shown by a comprehensive register-based study. In the study, almost 76,000 Danish children who have been suffering from febrile convulsions have been followed for more than 30 years.

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Brain scans may provide clues to suicide risk

Researchers have identified brain circuitry differences that might be associated with suicidal behavior in individuals with mood disorders. The study provides a promising lead toward tools that can predict which individuals are at the highest risk for suicide.

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