Despite growing burden of diet-related disease, medical education does not equip students to provide high quality nutritional care to patients

Worldwide, nutrition is insufficiently incorporated into medical education, meaning that medical students lack the confidence, skills and knowledge to provide nutritional care to patients, according to a systematic review.

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Tortillas tell the story of folate deficiency in Mexico

A new study hat accounts for folic acid fortification in staple foods made from wheat and corn, such as bakery bread and tortillas, found that large proportion of women of childbearing age have FA intake below levels recommended by the World Health Organization, potentially raising the risk for neural tube defects in their offspring. The study is one of a few to investigate FA intake after fortification.

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Heart-healthy forager-farmers in lowland Bolivia are changing diets and gaining weight

A group of forager-farmers in Bolivia's tropical forests — known for having remarkable cardiovascular health and low blood pressure — experienced changes in body mass and diet over a nine-year period, with increased use of cooking oil being the most notable dietary change.

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