New method visualizes groups of neurons as they compute

Using a fluorescent probe that lights up when brain cells are electrically active, researchers found they can image the activity of many neurons at once, in mice brains. The technique could allow neuroscientists to analyze circuits within the brain and link them to specific behaviors.

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How neuronal migration and outgrowth shape network architecture

Neurons are not randomly arranged in the human brain. In the cortex, they are organized in interconnected clusters with high intrinsic connectivity. This modular connectivity structure, in which clusters eventually serve as functional units, is formed in early phases of development. The underlying self-organization process is regulated by neuronal activity but the detailed mechanisms are still poorly understood. Based on in vitro studies and computational modeling, neuroscientists have now made an important contribution to the understanding of brain networks and their development: in their current study, they show how neuronal outgrowth and migration interact in shaping network architecture and the degree of modularity in mature networks.

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The effectiveness of electrical stimulation in producing spinal fusion

Researchers performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of published data on the effect of electrical stimulation therapies on spinal fusion. They found significant improvement overall in the rates of bone fusion following a course of electrical stimulation in both preclinical (animal) and clinical (human) studies.

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Analysis of US labor data suggests 'reskilling' workers for a 'feeling economy'

A study of US labor data suggests AI is already taking 'thinking economy' jobs from humans, and this trend will grow in the future. This will push more people into 'feeling economy' jobs that require things like interpersonal relationship skills and emotional intelligence.

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