Scientists discover new antibiotic in tropical forest

Scientists have discovered an antibiotic produced by a soil bacterium from a Mexican tropical forest that may help lead to a 'plant probiotic,' more robust plants and other antibiotics. Probiotics, which provide friendlier bacteria and health benefits for humans, can also be beneficial to plants, keeping them healthy and more robust. The new antibiotic, known as phazolicin, prevents harmful bacteria from getting into the root systems of bean plants.

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Initiating breastfeeding in vulnerable infants

The benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and child are well-recognized, including for late preterm infants (LPI). But because LPI do not have fully developed brains, they may experience difficulties latching and/or sustaining a latch on the breast to have milk transfer occur. This means that these infants are at high risk for formula supplementation and/or discontinuation of breastfeeding.

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From sleeping cell to assassin — how immune cells work

Scientists have carried out one of the most comprehensive studies into how immune cells sense and respond to their environment to fight infection and destroy tumors. The research team said the results provide important insights into how immune responses might be manipulated for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and cancer.

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Optical imager poised to improve diagnosis and treatment of dry eye disease

Researchers have developed a new non-invasive optical imaging system that promises to improve diagnosis and treatments for dry eye disease. Dry eye, which often causes irritation and blurred vision, occurs when there is instability in the inner layer of the tear film that protects the outside of the eye.

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