Viagra shows promise for use in bone marrow transplants

Researchers have demonstrated a new, rapid method to obtain donor stem cells for bone marrow transplants using a combination of Viagra and a second drug called Plerixafor. Bone marrow transplants, used mostly in the treatment of cancer, are life-saving procedures to restore the stem cells that generate new blood cells throughout a person's life.

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Placenta transit of an environmental estrogen

The human fetus is considered to be particularly sensitive to environmental contaminants. A team has now been able to demonstrate for the first time how the widespread food estrogen zearalenone behaves in the womb. Using a new analytical method, it was shown that the xenoestrogen migrates through the placenta and is partially converted to other harmful substances.

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First cell map of developing human liver reveals how blood and immune system develops

In a world first, scientists have created the human developmental liver cell atlas that provides crucial insights into how the blood and immune systems develop in the fetus. It maps changes in the cellular landscape of the developing liver between the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, including how stem cells from the liver seed other tissues to support the high demand for oxygen needed for growth.

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Fruit flies help in the development of personalized medicine

It is common knowledge that there is a connection between our genes and the risk of developing certain diseases. In a study on fruit flies, researchers have found that gene mapping can also be used to predict response to a given treatment. This knowledge is crucial for the development of personalized medicine.

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