Bumble bee workers sleep less while caring for young

All animals, including insects, need their sleep. Or do they? That's the question researchers are exploring in sleep studies of a surprising group of subjects: brood-tending bumble bee workers. Their studies show that worker bees tending pupae sleep much less than other bees do, even when caring for offspring that aren't their own.

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Species could buffer reproduction against climate change through sperm and egg plasticity

New research shows that beetles have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to reproduce despite warmer temperatures. They have evolved mechanisms that allow their sperm and eggs to quickly cope with increasing environmental temperature variation. And this could help species buffer themselves against climate change.

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A closer look at monogamy and polygamy in brood parasitic birds

Researchers have discovered that cowbirds conform to Bateman's Principle, despite investing no energy into parental care. Surprisingly, 75% of the cowbirds in the system were monogamous. Future research will expand upon these findings and broaden the understanding of how cowbirds might select the nests they parasitize, what role the males could play to assist the females, and why monogamy could be such a benefit.

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Fish fathers exhibit signatures of 'baby brain' that may facilitate parental care behavior

Many new parents are familiar with terms like 'baby brain' or 'mommy brain' that hint at an unavoidable decline in cognitive function associated with the hormonal changes of pregnancy, childbirth, and maternal caregiving. A new study of parental care in stickleback fish is a reminder that such parenting-induced changes in the brain and associated shifts in cognition and behavior are not just for females — and they're not just for mammals either.

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Are humans preventing flies from eavesdropping?

Soundscapes may influence the evolution of tightly co-evolved host-parasitoid relationships. Both traffic noise and natural ocean noise were found to inhibit parasitoid Ormia fly orientation to sound, which affects reproduction of the fly and survival of the cricket host.

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The dark giraffe, the new dark horse

Darker male giraffes have been found to be more solitary and less social than their lighter-colored counterparts, according to new research. A long-term study revealed that the color of male giraffes' spots more strongly relates to their patterns of social association, rather than their age, as previously thought.

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For baboons, a mother's history of hardship can have lasting effects on her kids too

Numerous studies show that children who had a rough start in life are more likely to have health problems later on. The pattern isn't unique to humans. But for baboons, the impacts aren't just borne by one generation — the next generation bears the brunt as well. A study finds that a baboon mother's early trauma is linked to shorter lifespans for her kids, even if they grew up more carefree than she did.

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