Aggressive breast cancers store large amounts of energy, which enables it to spread

Researchers found that aggressive breast cancers store glycogen in very large amounts, offering an explanation of how cells can change their function to evade treatment, grow and spread. Targeting an enzyme involved in this process could potentially treat or prevent metastases.

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Scientist designs 'express courier service' for immune cells

A researcher who is currently doing his post-doctoral training at Stanford University, has successfully invented a novel transfection method to deliver DNA into immune cells with minimal stress on these cells. This new technique is expected to boost DNA-based cancer immunotherapy by significantly improving the process of generating high-quality genetically modified immune cells.

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Ibrutinib linked to high blood pressure and other heart problems, study suggests

Over half of people prescribed the targeted blood cancer-fighting drug ibrutinib developed new or worsened high blood pressure within six months of starting the medication. The analysis is also the first to tie ibrutinib-related hypertension to a heightened risk of heart problems, particularly atrial fibrillation. Moreover, the association of ibrutinib with cardiovascular complications remained regardless of the prescribed dose.

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Protein associated with many diseases fully visualized for first time

For the first time, researchers have learned at the molecular level how the P2X7 protein receptor – which is associated with inflammation, coronary artery disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis and more – works. The findings could one day inspire new drugs to treat numerous medical conditions.

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