GIS-based analysis of fault zone geometry and hazard in an urban environment

Typical geologic investigations of active earthquake fault zones require that the fault can be observed at or near the Earth's surface. However, in urban areas, where faults present a direct hazard to dense populations, the surface expression of a fault is often hidden by development of buildings and infrastructure. This is the case in San Diego, California, where the Rose Canyon fault zone trends through the highly developed downtown.

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Distribution of highly radioactive microparticles in Fukushima revealed

New method allows scientists to create a quantitative map of radioactive cesium-rich microparticle distribution in soils collected around the damaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP). This could help inform clean-up efforts in Fuksuhima region.

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Early warning signals heralded fatal collapse of Krakatau volcano

On 22 December 2018, a flank of the Anak Krakatau plunged into the Sunda strait between the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Java, triggering a tsunami that killed 430 people. An international research team has now shown that the volcano produced clear warning signals before its collapse. The researchers recommend to use their study to improve monitoring of volcanoes.

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No clear link between local food and cancer risk in glassworks areas

There is no clear link between cancer incidence and locally produced food from an area with a history of glass manufacture with contaminated soil, according to a new study. A high consumption of certain local foods seems to be linked to an increased risk of certain cancers, but this probably reflects that the exposure to contaminants was higher in the past.

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To grow or to flower: Genes IDed in early land plant descendant also found in modern crops

Since they first arrived on land, plants have likely been using the same genetic tools to regulate whether they grow bigger or reproduce. The discovery was made using liverwort, one descendant of the first plants to move out of the ancient oceans and onto land.

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Inequality: What we've learned from the 'Robots of the late Neolithic'

Seven thousand years ago, societies across Eurasia began to show signs of lasting divisions between haves and have-nots. Scientists have now charted the precipitous surge of prehistoric inequality and trace its economic origins back to the adoption of ox-drawn plows.

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