German fishermen's scepticism towards EU impedes compliance with its regulations

Negative perception of a regulatory authority diminishes the honesty of those regulated. This is the conclusion of an experiment with EU-sceptic commercial fishermen and Brexit voters. The findings can help to assess the effectiveness of unmonitored EU fisheries regulations. The experiment also revealed: Fishermen were more honest than students.

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Neurons' response to seizure-induced stress reduces seizure severity

In response to seizures, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), a network of flattened tubes in the cell that packages and transports proteins, triggers a stress response that reduces brain activity and seizure severity. The new findings may have important implications for the development of new epilepsy therapies.

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AI helps scientists predict depression outcomes

Two studies provide evidence for the impact of biology by using artificial intelligence to identify patterns of brain activity that make people less responsive to certain antidepressants. Put simply, scientists showed they can use imaging of a patient's brain to decide whether a medication is likely to be effective.

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