Scientists offer cheaper and safer solutions for defense training

Researchers have designed a field training equipment for short-range air defense systems, which imitates the natural conditions of missile defense including detection, tracking and destruction of the target without actually using the real missile in the training.

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Teenage acne may be a natural, transient inflammatory state

Adolescent acne does not always result in a pathological condition; rather, it may be a natural, transient inflammatory state occurring when the maturing facial skin is exposed to new microbes and enhanced production of an oily substance called sebum. Researchers argue that their novel framework suggests that the development of new treatments should focus on promoting mechanisms that restore homeostasis between facial skin and its microbial and chemical milieu.

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New fungus-derived antibiotic: Relief in sight for immunocompromised people

Infections that are treatable in healthy people can often be fatal in immunocompromised individuals (people with a weak immune system), and hence, they require specialized treatment. Eushearilide is already known to be active against a wide range of pathogenic fungi and yeasts, but its antibacterial properties have not been explored. Now, scientists have derived a new compound from eushearilide and demonstrated its antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can be used to treat lung infections, meningitis, and encephalitis.

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Unravelling an alternative mechanism of airway mucosal immunity

Researchers have identified two key proteins, ASC and NLRP3, in the maintenance of the innate immune homeostasis in the airway. These proteins do so by a caspase-1-independent mechanism, suggesting that there may be multiple mechanisms involved in protection against microbial infections.

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Quality control in immune communication: Chaperones detect immature signaling molecules

The cells of our immune system constantly communicate with one another by exchanging complex protein molecules. A team has now revealed how dedicated cellular control proteins, referred to as chaperones, detect immature immune signaling proteins and prevent them from leaving the cell.

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Cellular senescence is associated with age-related blood clots

Cells that become senescent irrevocably stop dividing under stress, spewing out a mix of inflammatory proteins that lead to chronic inflammation as more and more of the cells accumulate over time. Researchers have identified 44 specific senescence-associated proteins that are involved in blood clotting, marking the first time that cellular senescence has been associated with age-related blood clots.

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