Warming impedes a coral defense, but hungry fish enhance it

Corals exude chemical defenses against bacteria, but when heated in the lab, those defenses lost much potency against a pathogen common in coral bleaching. There's hope: A key coral's defense was heartier when that coral was taken from an area where fishing was banned and plenty of fish were left to eat away seaweed that was overgrowing corals elsewhere.

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German fishermen's skepticism towards EU impedes compliance with its regulations

Negative perception of a regulatory authority diminishes the honesty of those regulated. This is the conclusion of an experiment with EU-skeptic commercial fishermen and Brexit voters. The findings can help to assess the effectiveness of unmonitored EU fisheries regulations.

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German fishermen's scepticism towards EU impedes compliance with its regulations

Negative perception of a regulatory authority diminishes the honesty of those regulated. This is the conclusion of an experiment with EU-sceptic commercial fishermen and Brexit voters. The findings can help to assess the effectiveness of unmonitored EU fisheries regulations. The experiment also revealed: Fishermen were more honest than students.

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Safe mercury levels in Kotzebue Sound fish

A new analysis of Kotzebue Sound fish has found that mercury levels in a variety of its subsistence species are safe for unrestricted consumption. The study tested 297 subsistence-caught fish. The average mercury levels for each of the eight species were at levels considered safe by the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services.

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Traditional fisherfolk help uncover ancient fish preservation methods

Archaeologists have little insight into the methods used for the long-term processing and preservation of fish in the past. A study of traditional fish preparation employed by fisherfolk in Panama and Egypt, revealed patterns of modifications to the fishes' skeletons which are comparable to those found among fish remains recovered in archaeological sites.

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