Repeated febrile convulsions linked to epilepsy and psychiatric disorders

The risk of febrile convulsions increases with the child's fever, and children who suffer from repeated febrile convulsions during their first year of life have an increased risk of developing epilepsy and psychiatric disorders later in life. This is shown by a comprehensive register-based study. In the study, almost 76,000 Danish children who have been suffering from febrile convulsions have been followed for more than 30 years.

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New genetic-based epilepsy risk scores

An international team of researchers has developed new genetic-based epilepsy risk scores which may lay the foundation for a more personalized method of epilepsy diagnosis and treatment. This analysis is the largest study of epilepsy genetics to date, as well as the largest study of epilepsy using human samples.

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Epilepsy: Function of 'brake cells' disrupted

In some forms of epilepsy, the function of certain ''brake cells'' in the brain is presumed to be disrupted. This may be one of the reasons why the electrical malfunction is able to spread from the point of origin across large parts of the brain. A current study points in this direction.

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Neurons' response to seizure-induced stress reduces seizure severity

In response to seizures, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), a network of flattened tubes in the cell that packages and transports proteins, triggers a stress response that reduces brain activity and seizure severity. The new findings may have important implications for the development of new epilepsy therapies.

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New study on sharing shows social norms play a role in decision making

A child's desire to share becomes influenced by social norms around the age of 8, new research has revealed. The extensive study — conducted on eight diverse societies across the world — examined children and adults' behavior when asked to respond to a set of specific sharing tasks.

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CBD may alleviate seizures, benefit behaviors in people with neurodevelopmental conditions

A marijuana plant extract, also known as cannabidiol (CBD), is being commonly used to improve anxiety, sleep problems, pain, and many other neurological conditions. Now researchers show it may alleviate seizures and normalize brain rhythms in Angelman syndrome, a rare neurodevelopmental condition.

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