Look out, invasive species: The robots are coming

Researchers published the first experiments to gauge whether biomimetic robotic fish can induce fear-related changes in mosquitofish, aiming to discover whether the highly invasive species might be controlled without toxicants or trapping methods harmful to wildlife. Their findings indicate that even brief exposure to a robotic replica of the mosquitofish's primary predator can provoke meaningful avoidance behaviors and physiological changes associated with the loss of energy reserves, potentially translating into lower rates of reproduction.

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The magic wavelength of cadmium

Researchers experimentally determined a property of cadmium called the magic wavelength which is considered essential for the development of the most accurate clocks ever envisaged. The researchers hope this may permit simple and robust atomic clocks so accurate they could be used to improve our understanding of current theories and even test for new physics.

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Paramagnetic spins take electrons for a ride, produce electricity from heat

Local thermal perturbations of spins in a solid can convert heat to energy even in a paramagnetic material — where spins weren't thought to correlate long enough to do so. This effect, which the researchers call 'paramagnon drag thermopower,' converts a temperature difference into an electrical voltage.

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Team discovers polymorph selection during crystal growth can be thermodynamically driven

Scientists provide solid calculation to demonstrate the structural transformation in colloidal crystallization can be entirely thermodynamic, in contrast to the kinetic argument, from both theoretical and computational perspectives.

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Groovy! These grooved patterns better mitigate shock waves

Engineers have discovered a method that could make materials more resilient against massive shocks such as earthquakes or explosions. They found that cutting small grooves in obstacle materials diminished the impacts of what's called the reflected shock wave–once the initial wave has hit the spiral of obstacles and bounced back.

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