Explained: The lifetime of an evaporating liquid drop

The lifespan of a liquid droplet which is transforming into vapour can now be predicted thanks to a new theory. The new understanding can now be exploited in a myriad of natural and industrial settings where the lifetime of liquid drops governs a process' behavior and efficiency.

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Bio-inspired theoretical research may make robots more effective on the future battlefield

In an effort to make robots more effective and versatile teammates for Soldiers in combat, researchers are on a mission to understand the value of the molecular living functionality of muscle, and the fundamental mechanics that would need to be replicated in order to artificially achieve the capabilities arising from the proteins responsible for muscle contraction.

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Predicting the impact of climate change on bridge safety

Climate change will increase the frequency and intensity of natural hazards like flooding. In turn, floodwaters erode a bridge's foundation, creating scour holes that compromise the integrity of the structure. But to date, it's been possible to quantify that scour risk. A new model developed by civil engineering researchers takes a holistic approach combining climatology, hydrology, structural engineering, and risk assessment to determine the effects of climate change on bridges.

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The science Of Breaking Bad: Would you know if meth was cooked inside your house?

Researchers analysed the contamination levels in household items from a home suspected to have previously been used for cooking methamphetamine, to determine whether surface wipe samples can adequately establish contamination and define the health risks. Results demonstrate methamphetamine has continued to mobilise after manufacture for a period exceeding five years when the property was under new ownership.

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Analysis of US labor data suggests 'reskilling' workers for a 'feeling economy'

A study of US labor data suggests AI is already taking 'thinking economy' jobs from humans, and this trend will grow in the future. This will push more people into 'feeling economy' jobs that require things like interpersonal relationship skills and emotional intelligence.

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Revamped crew scheduling model cuts airline delays by as much as 30%

Delays and disruptions in airline operations annually result in billions of dollars of additional costs to airlines, passengers and the economy. Airlines strive to mitigate these costs by creating schedules that are less likely to get disrupted or schedules that are easy to repair when there are disruptions — new research has found a solution using a mathematical optimization model.

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