Domestic violence: Impact of educational sabotage

A new study focuses on an overlooked form of psychological abuse — educational sabotage. Educational sabotage is a form of coercive control that directly affects a survivor's efforts to obtain educational credentials. Tactics include disruption of financial aid or academic efforts, physical violence and inducing guilt related to academic efforts.

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Kids in poor, urban schools learn just as much as others

Schools serving disadvantaged and minority children teach as much to their students as those serving more advantaged kids, according to a new nationwide US study. Test scores speak more to what happens outside the classroom than how schools themselves are performing.

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Promoting earth's legacy delivers local economic benefits

For iconic landscapes such as Grand Canyon or the Appalachian Mountains, geological features are an integral part of their appeal. Yet despite the seeming permanence of cliffs, caves, fossils, and other geological highlights, these features are surprisingly vulnerable to damage or destruction.

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Parental involvement plays key role in children's academic attainment, research shows

New research has shown how parental engagement has a positive effect on a child's academic attainment — regardless of age or socio-economic status. The study, conducted by the Universities of Plymouth and Exeter, also highlighted areas of promise for how schools and early years settings can support parents in a way that improves their children's learning.

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