Babies understand counting years earlier than believed

Babies who are years away from being able to say 'one,' 'two,' and 'three' actually already have a sense of what counting means, researchers have discovered. The findings reveal that very early on, years earlier than previously believed, babies who hear counting realize that it's about quantity.

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The secret of classic Belgian beers? Medieval super yeasts!

An international team of scientists has discovered that some of the most renowned classic Belgian beers, including Gueuze and Trappist ales, are fermented with a rare and unusual form of hybrid yeasts. These yeasts combine DNA of the traditional ale yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with that of more stress-resistant feral yeasts such as Saccharomyces kudriavzevii.

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Analysis of US labor data suggests 'reskilling' workers for a 'feeling economy'

A study of US labor data suggests AI is already taking 'thinking economy' jobs from humans, and this trend will grow in the future. This will push more people into 'feeling economy' jobs that require things like interpersonal relationship skills and emotional intelligence.

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'Personalized DJ' music playlist algorithm matches songs to listeners' changing moods

Imagine having a disc jockey inside your computer who matches the music played to your current frame of mind. According to new research, machine learning can approximate that experience creating ultra-personal music playlists that adapt to each user's changing moods.

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