Baby formula improved by ingredient often removed during homogenization

A clinical trial shows infants who consume formula containing milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) score higher in cognitive, language and motor development than infants consuming a milk-based formula that didn't contain MFGM.

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A win-win for forests and small-holder dairy farming in East Africa

The native Napier grass could hold the key to improving diets, boosting farming yields and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in East Africa. Growing and using Napier as a nutrient rich animal fodder on the farm, could also reduce pressure on forests, according to new research.

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Taming the wild cheese fungus

The flavors of fermented foods are heavily shaped by the fungi that grow on them, but the evolutionary origins of those fungi aren't well understood. Experimental findings offer microbiologists a new view on how those molds evolve from wild strains into the domesticated ones used in food production.

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Compound in breast milk fights harmful bacteria

A compound in human breast milk fights infections by harmful bacteria while allowing beneficial bacteria to thrive, according to researchers. Human breast milk has more than 200 times the amount of glycerol monolaurate (GML) than is found in cows' milk. Infant formula has none. Future research will determine if GML could be a beneficial additive to cow's milk and infant formula.

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