A close up on the real world: Atomic migration under ambient conditions

Researchers have reported an environmental transmission electron microscopy technique that has allowed in situ visualization of the atomic changes of a metal surface in an electric field under ambient conditions. The activation of oxygen gas molecules by electron tunneling was found to result in atomic migration that could be followed progressively. It is hoped that the tunneling-electron-attached-gas process will provide valuable insight for the development of nanoparticle catalyst and quantum material applications.

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Scientists find way to quantify how well cutting-edge microscopy technique works

Scientists provide a foundation for quantitatively determining how differences in viewing angles affect the resulting 3D structures of proteins, and could help other researchers determine the best setup for experiments to improve the imaging technique called cryo-EM.

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Printed electronics open way for electrified tattoos and personalized biosensors

Electrical engineers have devised a fully print-in-place technique for printable electronics that is gentle enough to work on delicate surfaces ranging from paper to human skin. This can be accomplished without additional steps to bake, wash or powder-coat materials. The advance could enable technologies such as high-adhesion, embedded electronic tattoos and bandages with patient-specific biosensors.

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Researchers invent low-cost alternative to Bitcoin

The cryptocurrency Bitcoin is limited by its astronomical electricity consumption and outsized carbon footprint. A nearly zero-energy alternative sounds too good to be true, but as a professor explains, it all comes down to our understanding of what makes transactions secure.

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