Spotting cutting-edge topics in scientific research using keyword analysis

Researchers have conducted a quantitative keyword analysis of 30 million articles in the life sciences over a nearly fifty-year period (1970-2017) and found that 75% of total emerging keywords, at 1-year prior to becoming identified as emerging, co-appeared with other emerging keywords in the same article.

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New CRISPR genome editing system offers a wide range of versatility in human cells

A team has developed a new CRISPR genome-editing approach by combining two of the most important proteins in molecular biology — CRISPR-Cas9 and a reverse transcriptase — into a single machine.

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Ceramic industry should use carbon reducing cold sintering process says new research

A new techno-economic analysis shows that the energy intensive ceramic industry would gain both financial and environmental benefits if it moved to free the cold sintering process from languishing in labs to actual use in manufacturing everything from high tech to domestic ceramics.

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Revamped crew scheduling model cuts airline delays by as much as 30%

Delays and disruptions in airline operations annually result in billions of dollars of additional costs to airlines, passengers and the economy. Airlines strive to mitigate these costs by creating schedules that are less likely to get disrupted or schedules that are easy to repair when there are disruptions — new research has found a solution using a mathematical optimization model.

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Machine learning could offer faster, more precise results for cardiac MRI scans

Cardiac MRI scans can be read by AI (artificial intelligence) 186 times faster than humans, with comparable precision to experts. Because the greatest source of measurement errors are human factors, AI has the potential to improve future clinical decision making.

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Scientists develop DNA microcapsules with built-in ion channels

A Research group reports a way of constructing DNA-based microcapsules that hold great promise for the development of new functional materials and devices. They showed that tiny pores on the surface of these capsules can act as ion channels. Their study will accelerate advances in artificial cell engineering and molecular robotics, as well as nanotechnology itself.

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