Investigational drug with immunotherapy may provide new therapeutic opportunity for patients previously treated for kidney and lung cancer

Investigational drug with immunotherapy may provide new therapeutic opportunity for patients previously treated for kidney and lung cancer. Pegilodecakin with pembrolizumab and nivolumab shown to be safe in Phase 1B study.

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Cancer: The origin of genetic mutations

In the presence of some disruptive elements, cancer cells are unable to replicate its DNA optimally. While known to be linked to the increase in genetic mutations, the exact mechanism at work remained unknown until now. By deciphering how replication stress induces the loss or gain of whole chromosomes in the daughters of cancer cells, researchers provide new knowledge that will ultimately lead to better diagnosis and possibly better treatment of cancer.

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Discovery of how colorectal cancer drug works will help more patients

Some colorectal cancer patients with a certain gene mutation benefit from a chemotherapy drug called cetuximab, although the mechanism of how this drug worked was unknown. Scientists have combined computational biology with experimental investigations to discover, for the first time, the mechanism for why these patients respond to cetuximab, which will help doctors identify more effective, targeted treatment plans for people diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

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Pathway found for treatment-resistant lung cancer

A big way chemotherapy works is by prompting cancer cells to commit suicide, and scientists have found a pathway the most common lung cancer walks to avoid death. Scientists have found a first step appears to be lung cancer cells expressing high levels of the molecule TIMP-1, classically considered a tumor inhibitor but at high levels already associated with a poor prognosis for patients.

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No clear link between local food and cancer risk in glassworks areas

There is no clear link between cancer incidence and locally produced food from an area with a history of glass manufacture with contaminated soil, according to a new study. A high consumption of certain local foods seems to be linked to an increased risk of certain cancers, but this probably reflects that the exposure to contaminants was higher in the past.

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Empowering cancer patients to shift their mindsets could improve care, researchers argue

A cancer diagnosis can cause a significant emotional burden for patients and their families. This may persist years into survivorship. As a result, depression and anxiety are two to three times more common in cancer patients than the general population. Experts propose that targeting cancer patients' mindsets could have an impact on their health, functioning, and well-being, and they call for more research in this field.

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