New neurodevelopmental syndrome and NKAP gene

Researchers have identified a gene mutation that causes developmental delay, intellectual disability, behavioral abnormalities and musculoskeletal problems in children. The newly diagnosed condition, called NKAP-related syndrome, arises from mutations in the NKAP gene, which plays a key role in human development.

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Sex-based differences in the development of brain hubs involved in memory and emotion

Researchers have uncovered sex-based differences in the development of the hippocampus and amygdala. These brain areas have been implicated in the biology of several mental disorders that impact males and females differently. The findings may help researchers better understand sex-based differences in the emergence of mental disorders during adolescence and early adulthood.

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Children told lies by parents subsequently lie more as adults, face adjustment difficulty

'If you don't behave, I'll call the police,' is a lie that parents might use to get their young children to behave. Parents' lies elicit compliance in the short term, but a new psychology study suggests that they are associated with detrimental effects when the child becomes an adult.

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Mild-to-moderate hearing loss in children leads to changes in how brain processes sound

Deafness in early childhood is known to lead to lasting changes in how sounds are processed in the brain, but new research published today shows that even mild-to-moderate levels of hearing loss in young children can lead to similar changes.

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Neuroimaging reveals hidden communication between brain layers during reading

Language involves many different regions of the brain. Researchers have discovered previously hidden connections between brain layers during reading, in a neuroimaging study. The team used laminar Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (lfMRI) to investigate what happens when people read Dutch words like ''zalm'' (salmon) compared to pseudowords (''rorf''), revealing top-down influences on deep brain layers for the first time.

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Better sleep habits lead to better college grades

Two professors have found a strong relationship between students' grades and how much sleep they're getting. What time students go to bed and the consistency of their sleep habits also make a big difference. And no, getting a good night's sleep just before a big test is not good enough — it takes several nights in a row of good sleep to make a difference.

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