Who is telling the truth about their health?

When researchers or policymakers ask health related questions — which they do a lot — they often rely on self-reported rather than tested health data. Researchers looked into how reliable this type of data is for research and found that, depending on country or age, self-reported data could be highly biased.

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Modern family roles improve life satisfaction for parents

Increased equality has a positive effect on mothers and fathers. Thanks to greater freedom to strike an individual balance between caring for children and working in paid employment, mothers and fathers today are happier with their lives than parents were 20 or 30 years ago, a study by sociologists has shown.

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CTE risk, severity increases with years playing American football

The risk and severity of developing chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) increases with the number of years playing American football according to a new study. These findings reaffirm the relationship between playing tackle football and CTE, and for the first time quantify the strength of that relationship.

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Prototype smartphone app can help parents detect early signs of eye disorders in children

A researcher's prototype smartphone app — designed to help parents detect early signs of various eye diseases in their children such as retinoblastoma, an aggressive pediatric eye cancer — has passed its first big test.

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