Health care intervention: Treating high-need, high-cost patients

Patients with complex needs — serious mental and physical health problems and substance use disorders — flock to emergency rooms costing the health care system billions every year. A new study suggests a nontraditional approach to these patients can significantly improve their daily functioning and health outcomes.

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How babies integrate new events into their knowledge

Babies seek to understand the world around them and learn many new things every day. Unexpected events — for example when a ball falls through a table — provide researchers with the unique opportunity to understand infants' learning processes. What happens in their brains as they learn and integrate new information?

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Opioid Rx dosages drop with state law changes

The total amount of opioids dispensed per new opioid prescription decreased by 22% in Penn Medicine outpatient practices in New Jersey after the state passed a law limiting prescriptions to a five-day supply for new opioid prescriptions. Penn Medicine implemented an electronic health record (EMR) alert, or 'nudge,' to notify clinicians if that limit had been reached.

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