Godfather Android banking malware is on the rise

Categories: Android

Categories: News

Tags: Android

Tags: banking Trojan

Tags: Godfather

Tags: Anubis

Tags: lay-over screen

Tags: C&C

Tags: MYT

Tags: Google Protect

Researchers have uncovered a new campaign of the Godfather banking Trojan, that comes with some new tricks.

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The post Godfather Android banking malware is on the rise appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

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Bogus job offers hide trojanised open-source software

Categories: News

Tags: malware

Tags: ZINC

Tags: microsoft

Tags: infection

Tags: C&C

Tags: open source

Tags: job offer

Tags: fake

Tags: LinkedIn

A North Korean ZINC group is accused of creating compromised versions of KiTTY, PuTTY, TightVNC, and other popular open-source software apps

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The post Bogus job offers hide trojanised open-source software appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

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