Scientists have identified the presence of cancer-suppressing cells in pancreatic cancer

Researchers have identified cells containing a protein called Meflin that has a role in restraining the progression of pancreatic cancer. They have also shown that cancer progression can be controlled by artificially increasing the amount of this protein in the cells.

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New test for thyroid cancer could prevent unnecessary surgery

Each year, thanks to inconclusive tests for thyroid cancer, thousands of people undergo unnecessary surgeries to remove part or all of their thyroids. A new test based on the unique chemical fingerprints of thyroid cancer might change that. It's faster and about two-thirds more accurate than the diagnostic tests doctors use today.

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Aggressive breast cancers store large amounts of energy, which enables it to spread

Researchers found that aggressive breast cancers store glycogen in very large amounts, offering an explanation of how cells can change their function to evade treatment, grow and spread. Targeting an enzyme involved in this process could potentially treat or prevent metastases.

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