A possible gut-brain connection to 'chemo brain'

To test the possible relationship between the gut and chemo brain, a lab is examining chemo's effects on mice whose guts have been manipulated before treatment. One experiment involves feeding the mice antibiotics. The other relies on the universal practice among mice of eating their own and their roommates' feces.

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Stressing cancer with spice

A new study reports how an experimental drug agent stops cancer cells from growing. A little over a decade ago, scientists first reported pentagamavumon-1 (PGV-1), an analogue of a molecule found in turmeric and that has been since discovered to have anti-cancer effects. In the new study, tests on cancer cells and animals reveal that these anti-cancer effects come from PGV-1 inhibiting a series of enzymes responsible for the metabolism of reactive oxygen species. This finding is expected to clarify how modifications to PGV-1 will lead to its use for cancer treatment.

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Aggressive form of breast cancer influenced by dual action of genes and RNA

Women with an aggressive, less-common type of breast cancer, known as triple-negative, versus a more common form of the disease, could be differentiated from each other by a panel of 17 small RNA molecules that are directly influenced by genetic alterations typically found in cancer cells.

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Breaking the stroma barrier: Study shows a new way to hit cancer with radiation

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are commonly used to treat cancer, but are not always effective and can have toxic side effects. Researchers tested a new radiotherapy technique that sends alpha-emitting particles to stroma cells in pancreatic tumors. The method slowed tumor growth in mice with minimal side effects, pointing to a new potential treatment option in the future for patients with pancreatic cancer.

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