New method visualizes groups of neurons as they compute

Using a fluorescent probe that lights up when brain cells are electrically active, researchers found they can image the activity of many neurons at once, in mice brains. The technique could allow neuroscientists to analyze circuits within the brain and link them to specific behaviors.

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First cell map of developing human liver reveals how blood and immune system develops

In a world first, scientists have created the human developmental liver cell atlas that provides crucial insights into how the blood and immune systems develop in the fetus. It maps changes in the cellular landscape of the developing liver between the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, including how stem cells from the liver seed other tissues to support the high demand for oxygen needed for growth.

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Finding upends theory about the cerebellum's role in reading and dyslexia

New brain imaging research debunks a controversial theory about dyslexia that can impact how it is sometimes treated. The cerebellum, a brain structure traditionally considered to be involved in motor function, has been implicated in the reading disability, developmental dyslexia, however, this 'cerebellar deficit hypothesis' has always been controversial. The new research shows that the cerebellum is not engaged during reading in typical readers and does not differ in children who have dyslexia.

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