Acceptance and commitment therapy may ease fear of recurrence in cancer survivors

Researchers report that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) shows significant promise for treating fear of cancer recurrence in women who have survived breast cancer. Fear that cancer may come back or progress is especially common in breast cancer survivors, with up to 70% reporting that the fear affects their daily life.

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Drug-light combo could offer control over CAR T-cell therapy

Bioengineers are a step closer to making CAR T-cell therapy safer, more precise and easy to control. They developed a system that allows them to select where and when CAR T cells get turned on so that they destroy cancer cells without harming normal cells. The system requires two 'keys' — the drug Tamoxifen and blue light — to activate CAR T cells to bind to their targets.

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The brain does not follow the head

The human brain is about three times the size of the brains of great apes. This has to do, among other things, with the evolution of novel brain structures that enabled complex behaviors such as language and tool production. A study by anthropologists now shows that changes in the brain occurred independent of evolutionary rearrangements of the braincase.

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