The night gardeners: Immune cells rewire, repair brain while we sleep

Science tells us that a lot of good things happen in our brains while we sleep — learning and memories are consolidated and waste is removed, among other things. New research shows for the first time that important immune cells called microglia — which play an important role in reorganizing the connections between nerve cells, fighting infections, and repairing damage — are also primarily active while we sleep.

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Breaking the stroma barrier: Study shows a new way to hit cancer with radiation

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are commonly used to treat cancer, but are not always effective and can have toxic side effects. Researchers tested a new radiotherapy technique that sends alpha-emitting particles to stroma cells in pancreatic tumors. The method slowed tumor growth in mice with minimal side effects, pointing to a new potential treatment option in the future for patients with pancreatic cancer.

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Cutting-edge neuroethics with ground-breaking neurotechnologies

Scientists are developing powerful new devices and technologies to monitor and regulate brain activity. To ensure NIH keeps pace with rapid technological development and help clinicians and researchers ethically fit these new tools into practice, a new article highlights potential issues around and offers recommendations about clinical research with both invasive and noninvasive neural devices.

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