Climate change concerns have largely ignored role of access to effective contraception

Climate change concerns have largely ignored the importance of universal access to effective contraception, despite the impact of population growth on greenhouse gas emissions, argue experts.

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Teens taking oral contraceptives may be at increased risk for depressive symptoms

Investigators report that there was no association between oral contraceptive use and depressive symptom severity in the entire population they studied (ages 16 through 25). However, they found that 16-year-old girls reported higher depressive symptom severity compared with 16-year-old girls not using oral contraceptives.

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Outcomes of birth options after a previous Cesarean section

A large cohort study of women who have had one or more previous Cesarean sections suggests that attempting a vaginal birth in a subsequent pregnancy is associated with higher health risks to both the mother and the infant than electing for another Cesarean. The research, published in PLOS Medicine on Sept. 24, 2019, addresses a lack of information on the outcomes of birth options after previous cesarean section and can be used to counsel women about their choices.

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