High-speed microscope illuminates biology at the speed of life

The team behind the revolutionary 3D SCAPE microscope announces today a new version of this high-speed imaging technology. They used SCAPE 2.0 to reveal previously unseen details of living creatures — from neurons firing inside a wriggling worm to the 3D dynamics of the beating heart of a fish embryo, with far superior resolution and at speeds up to 30 times faster than their original demonstration.

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Viruses as modulators of interactions in marine ecosystems

Viruses are mainly known as pathogens – often causing death. However, scientists are now showing how viruses influence the biology of living marine predators. This sheds new light on the general role of viruses in ocean ecosystems. For these insights, the scientists integrated a suite of innovative and high technology methods that have not been applied simultaneously in the study of marine ecosystems.

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The dark giraffe, the new dark horse

Darker male giraffes have been found to be more solitary and less social than their lighter-colored counterparts, according to new research. A long-term study revealed that the color of male giraffes' spots more strongly relates to their patterns of social association, rather than their age, as previously thought.

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Test for life-threatening nutrient deficit is made from bacteria entrails

A pocket-sized zinc deficiency test could be taken to remote regions where masses are malnourished – no complex transport or preservation necessary. It could be evaluated on the spot, and this initial test could be expanded into more comprehensive micronutrient fieldtests.

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Adult fly intestine could help understand intestinal regeneration

Intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) are exposed to diverse types of environmental stresses such as bacteria and toxins, but the mechanisms by which epithelial cells sense stress are not well understood. New research has found that Nox-ROS-ASK1-MKK3-p38 signaling in IECs integrates various stresses to facilitate intestinal regeneration.

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The almond and peach trees genomes shed light on the differences between these close species

An international team led by researchers has sequenced the genome of the almond tree and compared it to that of its closest relative, the peach tree. The most substantive differences between these species, so closely related in terms of evolution, are accounted for by the variation created by mobile genetic elements. The results provide some unique insights into the recent evolution of both species and will be key tools in their genetic improvement.

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