For hospitalized patients with fungal infections, specialists save lives

Fungal bloodstream infections are responsible for the deaths of more than 10,000 people every year. New research shows that the death rate can be reduced by 20% if infectious disease specialists oversee care of such patients.

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Saw but forgot: Drivers' memory lapses puts motorcyclists at risk

There are an estimated 90 fatalities a year in the UK caused by drivers pulling out into the path of an oncoming motorcycle. New research by psychologists suggests this sort of crash may often be the result of a short-term memory failure rather than the driver not seeing an approaching motorcycle.

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Researchers perform thousands of mutations to understand amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Researchers have used a technique called high-throughput mutagenesis to study Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), with unexpected results. Results showed that aggregation of TDP-43 is not harmful but actually protects cells, changing our understanding of ALS and opening the door to radically new therapeutic approaches.

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Long-acting injectable multi-drug implant shows promise for HIV prevention and treatment

UNC researchers have created an injectable multi-drug delivery system that is removable, biodegradable and effective for up to a year in some cases. The author says the ability to administer multiple drugs with this implant is an important advancement in this research.

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New piece of Alzheimer's puzzle found

Scientists found two short peptides, or strings of amino acids, that when injected into mice with Alzheimer's disease daily for five weeks, significantly improved the mice's memory. The treatment also reduced some of the harmful physical changes in the brain that are associated with the disease.

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