Serum neurofilament is a discriminative biomarker between frontotemporal dementia and psychiatric disorders

Early symptoms of frontotemporal dementia are often confused with symptoms occurring in psychiatric disorders. Researchers show that serum neurofilament levels can be used as a diagnostic tool to differentiate between these conditions.

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New diagnostic criteria may enable earlier detection of cognitive impairment in women

Study finds when verbal memory test cut-offs were tailored to patient sex, more female patients and fewer male patients were considered to have amnesic mild cognitive impairment. This could change the way aMCI diagnoses are determined and make it easier to catch the condition in its early stages.

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Vaping-associated lung injury findings

A clinical perspective article reviews various imaging manifestations of electronic nicotine delivery systems such as e-cigarettes, vape pens, and hookah tanks. Despite the lack of a standardized case definition for vaping-associated lung injury, the radiologist may be the first person to prompt the clinical team to ask about relevant exposures like hypersensitivity pneumonitis, diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, acute eosinophilic pneumonia, organizing pneumonia, lipoid pneumonia, and giant cell interstitial pneumonia.

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Study pinpoints Alzheimer's plaque emergence early and deep in the brain

By scanning whole brains of Alzheimer's model mice from an early age, researchers were able to precisely trace the terrible march of amyloid plaques from deep brain structures outward along specific circuits. They also showed that plaque density in a key region in humans scales with disease stage.

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Canadians told to stop taking aspirin to prevent first heart attack, stroke

If you've never had a heart attack or stroke, you likely should not be taking aspirin to prevent them, according to new research. Researchers reviewed three large, randomized, placebo-controlled studies published in 2018 that showed the risk of major internal bleeding associated with taking an aspirin a day is higher than any preventative benefits.

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