High-salt diet promotes cognitive impairment through the Alzheimer-linked protein tau

Investigators sought to understand the series of events that occur between salt consumption and poor cognition and concluded that lowering salt intake and maintaining healthy blood vessels in the brain may 'stave off' dementia. Accumulation of tau deposits has been implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease in humans.

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In Alzheimer's research, scientists reveal brain rhythm role

In the years since her lab discovered that exposing Alzheimer's disease model mice to light flickering at the frequency of a key brain rhythm could stem the disorder's pathology, a neuroscientist and her team have been working to understand what the phenomenon may mean both for fighting the disease and understanding of how the brain works.

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Gene variants influence size of brainstem, other structures

Three-hundred researchers have identified 48 common genetic variants that are associated with the size of the brainstem and other subcortical structures deep within the brain. This is the first step toward understanding how to devise treatments for disorders affecting these structures.

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Cystic fibrosis carriers at increased risk of digestive symptoms

Researchers have found that carriers of the most common genetic variant that causes cystic fibrosis experience some symptoms similar to those of people with cystic fibrosis. These findings were enabled by large-scale genomic data made available just a few years ago.

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