Sophos Celebrates International Day of the Girl 2024

Credit to Author: victoriatownsley| Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2024 09:30:59 +0000

Sophos joins the global community in celebrating International Day of the Girl on October 11. This important day highlights the unique challenges and opportunities that girls face around the world, particularly concerning gender inequality in areas such as education, nutrition, legal rights, healthcare, and protection from discrimination.

At Sophos, we are committed to advocating for girls’ rights and gender equality, empowering girls to reach their full potential. This year, our Sophos Women in Technology Network (SWiT) is taking significant steps to inspire young women to explore careers in technology.

Student Round Table Event in Abingdon

In the UK, we welcomed a group of students from a local school to our Abingdon office for a series of engaging activities aimed at introducing them to careers in tech. Focused on girls aged 12 to 13, the event included insights from leaders across various business units and an exciting cypher game, encouraging them to consider technical courses as viable and rewarding career paths.

Sophos Outreach Day in Dallas

In the US, we hosted a “Cookies and Conversation” for girls at a local school in Dallas, featuring Dr. Rickenya Sisk from IDEA Public Schools. This event aimed to inspire young girls to appreciate the importance of cybersecurity and consider careers in technology, showcasing the roles we play at Sophos.

Sophos UK Software Engineering Internship Webinar

This October, our UK Engineering team will host a special webinar for university students studying Computer Science or related fields who are seeking a one-year software engineering placement. The event will highlight Sophos’ successful intern program, featuring insights from engineering managers and examples of real intern projects. Attendees will learn about flexible work options, Sophos’ commitment to building an inclusive and diverse workforce, and have the opportunity to engage with current and former interns for career advice. With ten positions available for 2025, the team is especially encouraging women to apply as we strive to increase female representation in tech.

Empowering Women in Cybersecurity Webinar in Manila

In the Philippines, we held an inspiring webinar, “Empowering Women in Cybersecurity,” which connected female students and professionals. In partnership with EC-Council ASEAN, the event featured women leaders in cybersecurity sharing their personal journeys, success stories, and practical tips for navigating tech careers. The discussions highlighted the vital role of diversity in cybersecurity and how women are shaping the industry.

Sponsorship to the Women in Security Network, Australia

Elsewhere in APJ, SWIT is proud to be sponsoring 10 employees to join the Australian Women in Security Network (AWSN). This not-for-profit organization is dedicated to educating women and girls about security and increasing female representation in the field. Members will gain access to tools, knowledge, networking, and mentoring opportunities, and we look forward to sharing their insights from AWSN events.

FY25 SWiT Bursary Program, Canada

The Americas Support team has launched the FY25 SWiT Bursary program, which aims to support gender diversity in the tech industry by providing CAD $4500 bursaries to women at four Canadian technical schools. This year’s goals include evaluating the success of past bursaries, making improvements, exploring additional funding opportunities for STEM programs, and strengthening relationships between students and SWiT members.

As we continue our efforts to champion gender equality and support young women in technology, Sophos is proud to celebrate International Day of the Girl and remain committed to creating a world where every girl can thrive and succeed.

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