The Not-So-Secret Network Access Broker x999xx

Credit to Author: BrianKrebs| Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2024 16:41:34 +0000

Most accomplished cybercriminals go out of their way to separate their real names from their hacker handles. But among certain old-school Russian hackers it is not uncommon to find major players who have done little to prevent people from figuring out who they are in real life. A case study in this phenomenon is “x999xx,” the nickname chosen by a venerated Russian hacker who specializes in providing the initial network access to various ransomware groups.

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Are Your Kids Safe Online? Exploring the Unseen Risks Beyond the Screen With Parental Control

Credit to Author: Quick Heal| Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2024 09:40:59 +0000

parental control

Have you noticed how much time kids spend online? It’s become their go-to for entertainment, but are we…

The post Are Your Kids Safe Online? Exploring the Unseen Risks Beyond the Screen With Parental Control appeared first on Quick Heal Blog.

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Mitigating Skeleton Key, a new type of generative AI jailbreak technique

Credit to Author: Mark Russinovich| Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 17:00:00 +0000

Microsoft recently discovered a new type of generative AI jailbreak method called Skeleton Key that could impact the implementations of some large and small language models. This new method has the potential to subvert either the built-in model safety or platform safety systems and produce any content. It works by learning and overriding the intent of the system message to change the expected behavior and achieve results outside of the intended use of the system.

The post Mitigating Skeleton Key, a new type of generative AI jailbreak technique appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

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Cyberversicherungen als Booster für die IT-Sicherheit

Credit to Author: Jörg Schindler| Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 05:54:54 +0000

Sophos veröffentlichte vor kurzem die Ergebnisse seines Reports „Cyber Insurance and Cyber Defenses 2024: Lessons from IT and Cybersecurity Leaders“. Dieser offenbart, dass 97 Prozent der Unternehmen mit einer Cyber-Police in ihre Abwehrmaßnahmen investiert haben, um die Versicherung zu unterstützen. 76 Prozent geben an, sich dadurch für eine Deckung qualifiziert zu haben. 67 Prozent erhielten […]

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