Oracle CSO is right

Credit to Author: dmitryc| Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 16:34:29 +0000

The internet (or at least twitter) is exploding regarding this, now deleted, post : Mary Ann Davidson blog post

Let me start by saying that she is right. Yes, she’s right. Breaking the EULA is against the law. You can’t argue about that.

You can’t argue that they should be paying a bug bounty. You may *want* them to pay a bug bounty, but that is the companies decision. If they choose not to pay a bug bounty, that’s their prerogative.

As a consumer, you can choose to use their product (EULA and all) or not. That is something that you have control over.

As a researcher, you can choose to break the EULA or not. Arguing that someone should modify their EULA so that what you’re doing isn’t a violation is childish.

I wish Oracle had stood by their CSO and left the blog online. I understand that they don’t want additional scrutiny on their product, but the scrutiny will be there irregardless (as it has been for many years now). Leaving the post online would have shown some ‘backbone’. If INFOSEC goes PC, it’s bad for us all. I’d rather someone tell me what they really think and we can go from there.


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