S2 Ep2: EvilGnome, leaky browser add-ons and BlueKeep – Naked Security Podcast

Credit to Author: Alice Duckett| Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2019 15:16:21 +0000

We’re back in the rhythm of our weekly episodes with episode 2 from the new series.

This week, host Anna Brading is joined by Paul Ducklin, Mark Stockley and Matt Boddy.

We discuss EvilGnome Linux malware [5’07”], the latest developments in the BlueKeep saga [15’53”] and whether your browser extensions are spying on you [28’08”].

I may have made an error with some of Anna’s audio, but we think it doesn’t ruin the episode enough to cull it entirely, you’ll know what I mean from around 15 minutes in. Bear with us (me) while we find our way around the shiny new studio!

With longer episodes we now have space to answer your questions, so if you want to ask us something, post it below or ask us on social media.

Listen now and share your thoughts with us.


(Audio player above not working? Download MP3, listen on Soundcloud or on Apple Podcasts, or access via Spotify.)

If you’re wondering what our new studio looks like, you can take a sneak peak inside thanks to our friends at Food Fight Studios.


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